"The 'Bulldog Award' presented to Paul S. Haar, Esq., who succeeded in getting my green card where other lawyers have failed. This award presented by Csilla Farkas, R.N., who is eternally grateful for your 'dogged' determination. Thank you for your fine work with Carlos. I think your aggressive and creative style of law is what wins cases. Since you helped Carlos in the first place, I have and will continue to recommend you highly to my associates and friends." -- Tedd

"There is no doubt in my mind that Celina would not have received her green card had it not been for you. Her situation was unique to say the least and your handling of the circumstances, to the extent of setting precedent, was masterful indeed. I guess I am really writing to say thanks. The whole process was an experience for me and I am grateful to you that things turned out so well." -- Brian R. Tallon
"Thank you so much for your continued commitment of time, energy and expertise toward helping our emigres to achieve their goal of becoming United States Citizens. We are so fortunate to have you as a member of our volunteer legal panel. Without your care and support, I believe that many of our seniors would not have found the courage to continue in this difficult process." -- Nina Sznurman, Volunteer Coordinator, Jewish Social Service Agency of Metropolitan Washington
"It is with deepest gratitude that we are sending this letter on behalf of our Holocaust Survivor. Thank you so much for your assistance and advocacy in the facilitation of immigration and citizenship." -- Sheila Derby-McLean, Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services, Inc.
"Thank you for meeting with Francisco and me this past Tuesday. It was a pleasure to meet a highly professional attorney who finally had some concrete options to present to me. I greatly appreciate your advice on the way I should battle with my immigration situation. Our meeting added greatly to my confidence that my problems or challenges would be solved successfully." -- Natalia
"Just a brief note to thank you so much for serving as a guide and support as our lawyer for Jorge's permanent residency interview. It was very reassuring to have you there. Your presence, especially on such short notice, was greatly appreciated. Jorge and I are really grateful for your expertise and professionalism." -- Chantal Dalton
"I appreciate everything you have done for me. You have changed my life. With much respect for you." -- Indriti
"Thank you very much, Mr. Paul, for giving me the opportunity to meet with you and for dedicating a part of your valuable time to listen to my case. I truly appreciate it. You have no idea what it means to me to share my inner thoughts with someone without fear. It means a great deal. I left your office feeling relieved and satisfied, and I had already decided to proceed with you even before I got up from the chair. I just need some time to organize my financial matters, and then we’ll embark on this journey together. Best regards and respect, Sir." -- Moha
"Merci pour le temps et l'energie consacres a mon dossier. L'acceptation de mon cas par mon employeur est en bonne voie et prend malheureusement beaucoup de temps, mais je ne doute pas que nous allons y arriver. Cheers!" -- Amelie
"Estamos muy agradecidos por su ayuda y buen trabajo. God bless you and your family." -- Zoila and Oscar Gagliardi
"Few words to say "Gracias" after all these years of hard work and hope. Finally, I see a new day without worry about losing everything. 'Dios lo Bendigo.'" -- Alberto, Norma, Nancy, Alberto Jr. and Karen
"Thank you very much for advising me about immigration last week. It was very helpful for me. My due date is July 20th. Now I have your wonderful advice, and am waiting for the baby's born with relaxed feeling. Thank you so much again and God bless you." -- Chiemi Kashimura
"Thank you not just for what you did, which was wonderful, but for the way you did it. God bless you and your family." -- Sombat and Suttatip
"We appreciate what you have done for us. So many many thanks." -- Kim Quy Vu and Ngoc
"Thank you for hanging in there through all the ups and downs. We are extremely grateful and excited." -- Maria and Ruth
"My daughter Enkhzaya Bayanjargal and son-in-law Ganburged Nasantogtokh received their employment authorization cards.? We are very happy. Thank you so much. All of us very appreciate you." -- Sarantuya Tsedevsuren and Bayanjargal Nasanbuyan